Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tree Canopy Fund - Trees for Private Property

Arlington County, Virginia has a unique and innovative program to enhance the County’s dwindling tree canopy coverage. While the County has funding and jurisdiction to plant and maintain trees on public property such as streets and parks, the greatest amount of available space to plant trees is on private property. In 2007, a program was developed that provides funds to help homeowners and other private property owners to plant trees on their land. 

The funding is provided by property developers who are unable to place the number of trees required by their site plan on their property when they develop sites. The developers must pay $2400 for every required tree they are unable to plant on their site. This money is used by a local environmental non-profit organization called Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment, to administer the Tree Canopy Fund. Trees are planted for the homeowner by a carefully selected nursery that is able to provide high quality trees that meet the size, species and planting guidelines of the program.

Under this program, community groups such as Civic Associations and Condominium Associations can apply for the funds to have trees planted on their property. There is an emphasis on large, native canopy trees that will provide a number of ecosystem and economic benefits such as street and sidewalk protection, home cooling, stormwater slowing and filtering, carbon sequestration and oxygen production, and wildlife habitat. Applicant groups are encouraged to work with trained TreeSteward volunteers from their neighborhood to help homeowners to select appropriate trees for their site, and to place the tree correctly on the site to meet as many benefits as possible and to avoid hazards such as proximity to power lines.

Arlington County is a suburban community that is quickly becoming urban. Its location adjacent to Washington, DC makes it a desirable location to live and to develop for government-related enterprises.  But this development has caused Arlington to lose a significant amount of tree canopy coverage. Under the Tree Canopy Fund, so far 688 trees have been planted for homeowners by contractors, and funded by the Arlington County Tree Canopy Fund.  To learn more about the fund, visit the Arlington County website to read a press release announcing and describing the program. Details about the program, the process and the tree selection list can be found here
I encourage you to learn about this program, which demonstrates Arlington County’s commitment to maintaining and increasing a healthy urban forest for all of the vital benefits that it provides. Increasing urban tree canopy coverage using appropriate species in the appropriate location is valuable nationally and globally, not just locally. If you can use our program guidelines and procedures to develop a similar program in your community, I would be ecstatic to know you learned about it from me.
To learn more about trees and the importance of planting locally native species, please visit the links on the right ==>

Friday, May 18, 2012

Luna Moths Need Black Walnut, Hickory Trees and Dark Skies

Luna Moth (from Wikipedia)
Two decades ago when I moved to our house in Arlington, Virginia, a Luna Moth took up residence for a couple of days among the moon flowers and morning glories climbing up the bean trellis. Since I was new to Virginia as well as the neighborhood, I assumed Luna Moths were a common occurrence that I would be able to enjoy in my new home. That turned out not to be true, and I’ve only seen two, both more than a decade ago.
The Luna Moth, Actias luna, is a lime-green swallowtail with a wingspan of four and a half inches, making it one of the largest North American moths.  Its preferred larval host trees in our area are the walnuts and hickories, but it will also use sweet gum and persimmon trees.  Up north, they go for birch, alder and sumac.  The trees are not damaged by the caterpillars.  After eating their fill of leaves and transforming through five instars (life cycle phases or molts), the caterpillars drop to the ground at the base of the tree, wrap themselves in silk and leaf litter, and pupate.
Luna Moths face many challenges to survival in the urban sprawl.  They require dark skies to reproduce.  They fly up to the tops of the host trees well after midnight to mate and lay eggs.  There is evidence that the bright lights from streetlights and buildings interfere with the moth’s ability to reproduce. They are also becoming endangered by the measures to control Gypsy Moths.  

While I haven’t read anything about the effect of leaf collection on Lepidoptera, it seems logical to me that our obsession with raking, mowing and blowing our yards clean has had the effect of sweeping away the pupated moths and butterflies as they undergo the miracle of metamorphosis at our feet.   [for more information on supporting wildlife by leaving in place the  leaves, seedheads and leaf stalks that insects, birds and small mammals depend on, see this post by Pat Sutton "A Love of Untidy Gardens and Why!" on the website Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens]

Finally, as our neighborhood’s original native tree cover is aging and disappearing, we are not replacing them with the species that the local fauna require for food, shelter and reproduction. Maybe we can help keep these beauties around by planting native hosts, leaving some leaf litter each fall, especially at the base of walnuts, hickories and sweet gums, and turning off unnecessary lights at night.
For more information on native landscaping for wildlife, have a look at the links on the right =>

Update May 27, 2012: We went for a walk this morning at Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria, Virginia. On the path of the forested area near the edge of the wetlands, I saw a Luna Moth. It was the first one I have seen in almost 20 years.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why I Plant Native Plants

How did this native plant adventure start for me? Moving frequently with my husband’s job, we rent the house out whenever we are overseas.  The shrubs and perennials I planted got neglected and taken over by English ivy and Asian honeysuckle. I got the idea to plant attractive weeds that would survive renters. That didn’t work out very well because I didn’t have time to research it and implement it.  When I came home in 2008, a friend suggested I take the Arlington Tree Stewards Volunteer training. Over the course of the 3 month training, I became convinced of the literally vital role of native trees, shrubs and forb (the forest ground later that goes away in winter and comes back in the spring), not only for wildlife but for civilized life as well.

As Dr. Doug Tallamy, Professor and Chair of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at University of Delaware, points out in Bringing Nature Home , native plants are vital to survival of the food web, but we are experiencing a precipitous decline in undisturbed habitats. Bulldozing wetlands, forests, meadows and prairies for housing and monoculture farming is leaving precious little food and cover for insects, spiders, birds and mammals. Combine that with the alien invasive ornamental plants we brought over from Asia and Europe that are choking out the remaining native habitat, and we clearly have a crisis on our hands.

Dr. Tallamy’s current research shows that insects eat plants, and they largely eat the native plants they co-evolved with.  We’re losing our native bugs because we’re losing our native plants. And we’re losing our native birds because they need the bugs and fruit and nuts from the native plants, and so on. You get the picture.

Dr. Tallamy’s solution is to convince homeowners across the country to change the way they think about gardening, and to gradually replace lawns and alien ornamentals with the native trees, shrubs and forb that butterflies and moths need to survive. He focuses on Lepidoptera because he’s an entomologist, but also because butterflies are beautiful and can engage the public.  They also provide food up the chain for birds and mammals, and gardening for them also helps other species.

Blogs are supposed to be short, so I’ll stop here for today. In future posts I’ll point out the benefits of gardening with natives, how to get started, and show what’s going on with my own backyard habitat as it develops.

When you’re ready to get started, have a look at the resource links over here on the right =>

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Flying Squirrels Need Tall Trees

Photo by Steve Young
Recently I was browsing the website of the Arlington Virginia Long Branch Nature Center when I spotted a link to this great  video about the Southern Flying Squirrel. Unable to resist watching the video, I learned that there are probably more Southern Flying Squirrels here in Arlington than regular grey squirrels. We just don't see them because they’re nocturnal. They live in pretty much the same backyard habitats as the grey squirrel. They need a hiding place, water and food. In the video, a staff member of the Long Branch Nature Center is demonstrating the behavior of the flying squirrel by showing how it will fly to a tree that has peanut butter smeared on it. In another Long Branch Nature Center video, you can see a flying squirrel up close. This is the resident flying squirrel that lives inside the Long Branch Nature Center. This squirrel was rescued and brought to the nature center in 2007.  He refuses to live in the wild. As a result, he is a wonderful learning resource for Arlington residents.
The Southern Flying Squirrel is the mascot of the Long Branch Nature Center, located in Arlington, Virginia. It’s on their brochure, and they lead night walks to spot the animals.   To learn more, I interviewed former Director of the Center (currently Director of Natural Resources for Arlington County), Alonso Abugattas, our resident expert on the Southern Flying Squirrel. 
The flying squirrels are smaller than grey squirrels. They have larger eyes to see better at night. And they’re more predatory. In addition to nuts, fruits and berries, they’ll eat animals, insects, eggs and carrion. Their favorite nuts are hickory nuts but they also like filberts and oak acorns. They don’t like walnuts so much because they’re hard to carry. They love suet and seeds from bird feeders.
Flying squirrels don’t actually fly. They glide from one tree to another.  They spread out their skin flaps, called a patagium, and catch the air like a parachute. They control the glide by banking.  They don’t use their tails to steer. Sometimes they wipe out on the ground if they miscalculate. For every two feet up, they can glide one foot out. The longest glide observed was 100 yards, off a tree and down a hillside.

Photo from "The Snag" Newsletter of Arlington VA Parks and Rec
Flying squirrels can build leaf nests (dreys) but they don’t like to live in them.  They prefer cavities in live trees, dead trees or snags. Keep your dead trees standing if possible and safe, or cut them down to a safer height, retaining the snag. They will also nest in bluebird boxes. They prefer to be at least 10 feet up.
During non-breeding season they hide together in cavities to keep warm. During breeding season they are incredibly secretive. They spread out in the woods. They prefer a habitat with big trees, larger, older trees that are spread out a bit, 20 feet apart or more.
In suburban areas, if there aren’t enough trees, they will take up residence in other areas such as bird boxes and attics.  This can be a problem because they run around at night and they chew.  If this happens, they’re easy to trap in “Have a Heart” traps with peanut butter as bait. 
To see flying squirrels in your yard, put peanut butter on a tree branch after the grey squirrels have gone to bed. I haven’t tried it yet but I will soon!
Plant and preserve native canopy trees so flying squirrels and other wildlife have a place to live. 

For more information on the Southern Flying Squirrel, check out the website of the Chesapeake Bay Program. There's also a fact sheet by the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, that gives advice on how to provide food and shelter for the Souther Flying Squirrel by planting native berry shrubs and hickory trees.  Also plant butterfly host plants because they love to feast on caterpillars.

Life Support System

Our life support system on this planet is in jeopardy. Burning fossil fuels is using up the oxygen we breathe. We're cutting down trees that produce oxygen at an alarming rate. We've introduced alien invasive plant species that, since they don't have natural limits, are taking over and killing off native species. Our food web depends on these native plants. It's been shown that bugs, butterflies and other pollinators require native plants to complete their life cycles. These invertebrates also support animals on up the food chain. Birds, small mammals and reptiles depend on adult and larval insects for food.

In this blog, I'll post articles I write for my local civic newsletter about native plants and trees. Thanks for visiting!